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Re: Too late now

I do have a lawyer all I am waiting is for my ex to take a look at what I chose to keep
To see if he will agree
such as division of few properties we have jointly, furniture, cars etc… if he does not than we will have to start negotiating
But he is taking too long to respond
My lawyer is calling his lawyer, sending e~mails to find out what is taking to long
And his attorney Have not received any answer from my ex
It has been almost 3 weeks that I provided this information to his attorney

I have been checking the balances still remain the same
It is a simple answer if my ex agree or disagree if he does not than we will negotiate
( I have not talk or texted my ex for anything only through the lawyers I have a feeling my ex hate me since I filed for divorce maybe he is doing this as revenge) I might be wrong
When I filed for divorce i did not let my ex know it was a sudden decision to do it because he is a very unpredictable person one time he can be nice and suddenly he will get angry ( he is very controlling person he likes to rule (control) me, my kids even estrangers ( manipulative)
There is no hope for him to change :(
There is no way he way change
Either his way or the highway ( that is his favorite phrase) 😠 😞 (sorry for him )

Re: Too late now

Oh Kathy! I hope this gets resolved soon? I had the EXACT same thing happen to me except my husband found out I was going to file and he took the money and opened up his own account ALL OF OUR MONEY and then he filed so technichally it was legal? So, I had to go back and forth with my attorney and she had to get a clause 11 signed by his attorney. Took 2 weeks and I couldn't even get my OWN paycheck. All while living in the same house as each other, and having a 2 year old and 6 year old watch this go down? We are finally calm bc now I at least have money to buy groceries for the kids and gas but how could someone do that to another person? I don't how you can "LOVE" someone and not let them have the funds they need to support your kids together? Makes NO sense. Sounds like we have the same sort of man and problems going on here. Thank GOD for your daughter. I am hoping that by doing this sooner rather than later I will have a daughter like you do one day. I will be there for my kiddos til the day I die... my dad has completely dropped me bc I filed, and my mom is a narcisist so she is not offering any sort of support. It is a SUPER lonely place to be in.