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Stuck at home suffering while he lives his best life

I am stuck under the same roof with a man I am divorcing. He wanted the divorce and he is constantly rubbing in my face that he is a free by going out all the time, coming in late etc. You know, the games these men like to play to make us jealous and IT WORKS. But oh let me give him a taste of his own medicine and he would never be able to handle it. That is not in my character to do such a thing so instead I have to watch him live his best "single" life while I'm stuck home with the kids all of the time. I'm so sick of this! And it hurt! I want him to hurt as bad as I am. Am I wrong for feeling that way? This sucks! I can't wait until this is over but I have so long to go. This is torture to have to sit here and watch this! So unfair! I'm just venting in the moment.

Re: Stuck at home suffering while he lives his best life

Hey.. you could try going out. Not necessarily going on a date. Just leave your house, go to a supermarket parking lot and read a book, go to a coffee shop for an hour. This will remind him that you have a life as well. It’s not revenge.. it’s keeping it realistic. If he knows you won’t go out.. then sure what will prevent him from having his fun. You could even go to a movie theater and watch a movie.. just try getting out of your house like once a week, take baby steps. Try not to worry about what he is doing because now it’s all about you. Take care!

Re: Stuck at home suffering while he lives his best life

@Denise thank you so much. I needed that reality check. I guess it's harder for me to just leave. I don't want to leave my children. Besides, I barely can because he's gone all of the time. But I'm getting used to it so I guess it's a blessing in disguise. I hope I figure it all out soon. Thank you for you advice. Note taken.

Re: Stuck at home suffering while he lives his best life

That must be torture for you to go through. Is a parenting order possible to apply for now that you’re separated, pending a divorce? So he would have to act his age and look after his kids sometimes, instead of leaving you to take responsibility?

Are you entitled to claim any government financial assistance to move out and rent your own place?

Re: Stuck at home suffering while he lives his best life

@Moi it is absolute torture. I think we will be going through the parenting classes soon. Hopefully he will wake up at that point

Re: Stuck at home suffering while he lives his best life

I really really feel you on this! My situation is a little different in the sense that my soon to be ex-husband is an introvert while I'm the extrovert. Which means while we are stuck under the same roof waiting on our mediation date, he is loving that we have to cohabitate together while I am drowning. Trying to hold it together for the kids and I know we can coparent well bc of seen sides of that, and the kids are the ONLY thing we can communicate about without getting heated. So the weekends are THE WORST bc I can't get away from him. I was thinking about your situation, and what is worse you know? Knowing that he's out and you can't go out and you do EVERYTHING for you and the kids, or my not being able to even take a breath. Even insisted on going to church with us, as if we are together anymore. I can't get rid of this guy. Would love to talk. I got off facebook with all this going on and really feel like no one understands. Please reach out and let me know if you need the same!

Re: Stuck at home suffering while he lives his best life

I'm so sorry that you are in this situation.

He is showing his true nature, which is probably why you are divorcing. It is sad that he showing this behavior to his children and missing out on time with them if he is gone all the time.

Try to focus on the silver linings. If he is out of the house, then you don't have to deal with him. Get out of the house with your kids! Have fun with your kids, meet up with friends,

Instead of thinking about him "living his best single life", look at it for what it is. He is living a sad, pitiful, unmanly life.

Try to remove your attention and caring from what he is doing and focus all that energy on yourself and your kids.

Good luck!