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Going to through a divorce

I was wondering if anyone that went through a divorce knows this question
I have an joint account with my ex husband ( divorce has not been final yet) he opened the account during Our marriage and add my name into this account
Am I going to be entitle to 1/2 and 1/2 and can he close this joint account during a divorce settlement and open under his name only or transfer to his individual account he has under his name,
I understand he can withdraw money right? But not close completely right?
I was trying to do an online banking to find out if he has touched this $ but I could not because they have to send him a code to his phone in order for me to have access even though is under our name
But I did not accessed what else can I do to find out if he has been doing this kind of activity ?
I know I will have to talk to my attorney about this but I still want to know who else went through this?

Thanks in advance

Re: Going to through a divorce

It is my understanding that you would be entitled to half of bank accounts. Maybe it differs depending on state law?

I was advised by my attorney when we were preparing to file, that I could/should withdraw 1/2 of the funds in our joint accounts and place in an account under my name only.

What has your attorney advised you to do?


Re: Going to through a divorce

My attorney is telling me once the divorce is finalized I should go to the bank and withdraw my portion
I will have to ask her what if he decides to close the accounts to the closing date of the divorce ?