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Feeling weird

I am finally taking the step of divorce, going to my hometown in next 10 days and will be breaking this news of divorce from there only, to my husband.
It's scary but mostly I feel numb.
I am just not sure what to feel.
It's very blur, I am very confused on what I am feeling exactly, feeling kind of uneasy.
One part of me is happy and excited for future, but I don't know if I can be happy also as future is not very predictable.
I have not been able to sleep well from 2-3 days, as have to plan a lot. It's a lot.
I am having very mixed feeling. Before I thought I would be crying while going through this, but I don't know I don't feel like crying also.
Just want to get it over with asap.

Re: Feeling weird

Hi Shivani,

What you are feeling is totally normal. The best advise I can give you is "When nothing is certain, anything is possible"
Those words may not seem like much but if you sit & reflect on them for a while you'll realize how powerful they are. We spend so much time trying to control & plan everything that happens and goes on in our lives but if we relax and let life happen how it's supposed to then everything will work out. Don't stress about the unknown & enjoy the journey of becoming a new.
Good luck

Re: Feeling weird

I just the did the same thing and moved back to my hometown and away From a 30 year marriage. I completely understand your fears.....