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Divorce when already in common ground

21f here. I'm currently beginning the first steps to getting divorced. My ex husband and I have been separated for almost 2 years(yes, we married early and separated a year in, it happens). He just hired the divorce lawyer and we're going to go the divorce mediation route as we've already split most of our assets and I can't afford a separate lawyer and he's totally okay with us sharing a lawyer. The only splittable asset we have left is his car as we plan on trying to get his car in my name and I'm going to "gift" him my car afterwards. There's no hard feelings towards each other and we still help each other throughout everything. I guess what I'm trying to figure out here is my best options or advice on what to do throughout this. He's got his mother, who's gone through 5 divorces herself, whereas my mom is still married to my father. I don't know where else to go for advice on how to deal with things or how to go about things. Any questions about things are totally welcome for more insight.

Re: Divorce when already in common ground

Do you have a free counselling service you can call? Something like the Salvation Army?

I’m not sure that sharing a lawyer is a good idea. Are you certain that you’re getting everything that you’re legally entitled to? Are you even ALLOWED to use the same lawyer? (That would be a ‘no no’ where I live!)