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problems with my home

The house is in my husband's name. It's refied, but since I'm not on the deed the debt is entirely his.

This is horrible.

We have massive shared debts and I have big bills not his I have to pay every month.

He doesn't want to get divorced, but is a very reasonable guy and in love with me.

We have a little girl.

I'm afraid that if I file I walk away with nothing except my car (which he bought for me last month).

Also the ring. For my birthday a couple of months ago he told me that of course I could file if that's what I really want. Then he gave me a vintage diamond ring. It's really something. He asked me not to sell it - he'd like it to be a family heirloom - but that it's a gift.

He'll want to retain the house as a home for my daughter when he has her. So far as I can tell a judge would be OK with that.

He doesn't want attorneys involved: he says that way the lawyers will own the house and everything else before we know it.

But he also says his first responsibility is his child's welfare, and that if I come after him he'll have to lawyer up.

He also urges me to take time to reflect calmly on what's best for me and the child. He says he can take care of himself.

He's a very old - fashioned man. I've had a couple of affairs. He hasn't: anyway, that's what he says and I believe him. I have a bad habit of throwing the extramarital sex in his face and saying stuff like 'you have a small dick'. He's invulnerable. His response to that one was 'well, you're the first woman to say that. If it's true, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it'. The sex with him was always great. Now he doesn't want to sleep with me.

Does anyone know what the answer is about the house? I told him he could buy an apartment and leave me the house. His answer was that he might be really stupid, but isn't crazy.

Re: problems with my home

I think you each need an attorney to protect your individual interest and work out the legalities in your state.

As long as you each cooperate and don't fight the process, then the attorney fees should not be horrible and they "won't get the house."

Good luck,