Womans Divorce Forum

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Womans Divorce Forum
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Hi. I totally understand. It’s exactly what happened to me. I filed for divorce and then Covid hit 2 months later. I was stuck in the house with him. We had agreed that I would stay until the kids got out of school for summer break but that was going to be 5 months. He was working from home and I could hear his voice all day long. It was driving me crazy. On top of that he was angry with me for filing for divorce. He would say the most evil things to me. I did what I had to do to save myself because he was not willing to change after 4 years of counseling.

During that time I walked a lot and lost weight. I journaled in a locked app on my phone. I would go into my closet, stretch out on the floor and cry. Even though I knew I was doing the right thing for myself and the kids it hurt so much. I continued to go to counseling. When I read my journal entries from that time I can feel the heavy weight that I was carrying.

My divorce was final 2 months ago after 1.5 years. I doing so much better. I truly understand what you are going through. I started a blog community for divorce and breakups. The site is
There are stories and helpful information. If you click join us we have a private group for sharing and discussions. Feel free to email me Info@AlimoniaLife.com
I communicate with people daily.
All the best to you!