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Re: Pitfalls to avoid

Hi Jane,

Call me cynical, but if he’s the one who has potentially carried out most of the renovation work to-date, and he’s referring to the property as a ‘dream home,’ I’d be wondering to myself whether he might intentionally take years and years to finish off the renovations so he can continue to live in it for ages longer after you’d have moved out!

Get the house valued ‘as-is.’ You might be able to find a buyer who enjoys renovating a ‘fixer-upper,’ in which case it could be sold sooner rather than later.

Also, get a quote from a builder for the price to finish off basic renovations. See a lawyer and ascertain whether, through mediation/negotiation, he would be willing to deduct the total cost of the renovations to finish the place off, at 50% cost to each of you, from your individual divorce settlement amounts. You’d have to both find a way to stump up the Reno money upfront to pay the builder taking this route however.

I’d be seeing a lawyer ASAP. I wouldn’t be moving anyplace until I’d found out what my rights are. You need a timeframe to be set, in writing, as well as how the asset pool in general, will be divided, plus who is responsible for paying any debts owed.