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Re: So hurt

Time to go see a marriage guidance counsellor. It sounds as if he’s feeling pushed away. You pushed him away during your pregnancy and now, no doubt, your attention is virtually all given to your baby. Try to spend time with him when the baby is asleep during the evening. Make him a candlelight meal (his favourite dish). Maybe buy him a small gift-and tell him that you appreciate him.

Re: So hurt

At first he wanted to go to a marriage counselor and I was all for it because this is our marriage and if there’s a problem I want to fix it. He ultimately made all the decisions by himself and said he doesn’t want to be in it and he doesn’t want to get help. I’ve made him meals. Bought him gifts. Made time for us and he just shuts it down.

Re: So hurt

I feel this. I thought we had good communication but then my husband, who used to be like the most sensitive person in the world suddenly decided to start screaming in my face about things that have annoyed him throughout the whole relationship.

I'm so sorry he's doing this to you now that there's a baby involved. Men are absolute pigs sometimes, I hope you can work things out x

Re: So hurt

Thank you but I think im alone in this. He’s there for our baby and that’s most important. It’s just hard to pick up the pieces. I don’t have many friends he was my everything and I didn’t mind that Bc we always have each other and now I’m alone with my thoughts and I’m just so sad. When he’s here hes just disconnected. We planned to have our baby and it just has been downhill ever since.

Re: So hurt

Do you think if you suggest doing some activities together for the baby-like walking in a park/having a picnic/going to the zoo etc-he would go and might enjoy your company while doing things together as a family?

Re: So hurt

I’ve tried to make time. I do family time he’s on his phone. We go out for walks with the baby by ourselves he doesn’t engage. We spoke about a paint class a cooking class salsa classes and he said yes but now it’s a no. He’s hot and cold and lately it’s been cold and it doesn’t seem like it matters anymore to him. I want to try and if we try and it doesn’t work then at least I know we tried. But he’s not budging