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How to Get the Ball Rolling

My husband and I do not get along, we are too different and the differences are creating so many issues in our relationship.

We tried counseling and this failed.

I have asked him to leave and he will not. I do not want our daughter to see us fighting and his solution to this is simply for me to do literally everything, pay for so much etc. We are currently renting and both names are in the lease.

He keeps saying he does not want to divorce like his parents did but I do not and will not let my daughter grow up with this man yelling, whining and blaming everyone else in the world for his problems.

He is very lazy and a liar.

How can I find a place for my daughter and I to go while we get the ball rolling on this divorce? I cannot believe he will not just go but instead wants to uproot our young daughter etc. He could easily pack up and go, while I would need to take our daughter and her things. then I work from home so I have to deal with all of that, as well.

I purchased almost everything in our apartment but I don’t even care about the furniture etc, but it isn’t fair I have to be the one to start over.

He sleeps until I wake him or if I don’t wake him he could sleep until 12pm etc and so he would never be able to take care of our daughter on his own, it has always fallen to me to wake up with her etc.

I just can’t deal but feel so stuck and overwhelmed. I want to be strong for my daughter but I’m at a loss.

Re: How to Get the Ball Rolling

Break the lease on your rental, or have yourself taken off the current lease, then rent a place of your own. If he can’t afford to keep up the rent then, we’ll...that’s his problem. In the meantime, you can sell some furniture etc and put that towards a deposit on your new rental. Start small: Even if it’s a 1 bed apartment where your daughter gets the bedroom and you sleep on a pull-out sofa bed in the lounge-It’s still a start :)

Or....don’t pay the rent where you are currently and deliberately get ‘kicked out.’ He sure would have to move out then! The only draw-back being if that might affect your credit rating if you default on payments?