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Re: Monkey see monkey do (possibility)

It depends on so many factors...

The relationship he’s historically had with his parents: Was it nurturing for him as a child? Did they neglect or abuse him? Did the use unfair discipline etc? If so, he may harbour resentment against them.

If it’s his personality however, then that’s a fixed entity.

People with Aspergers often lack empathy towards others than can show as a lack of caring.

People with sociopathic tendencies don’t tend to like others and don’t try to ‘fit in’ or to impress anyone else.

There’s a phrase: ‘Past behaviour predicts future behaviour.’

If you’re thinking of starting a relationship with him, or know of a friend who is perhaps, then maybe a ‘trial’ period first is advisable, so you/they can gain insight into what it’s like to live with him from day to day, without a long-term commitment. I wouldn’t be bringing children into the world with him until you/they were 100% (or as near as) sure of his behaviours/attitude.