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Why would he give me that!!

My husband had a midlife crisis and left me after 25 years of our marriage, to cheat on me with other women. Before leaving our family home, he moved into the spare room for a few weeks. I founded messages that evidenced he was in at least one dating site and he had a woman’s phone number written down, with a comment ‘dare I ring her?’ He had written other notes to himself also (like a journal) that showed he was connecting with women behind my back k.

Ultimately, he walked out on me and our children. The strange thing I don’t understand at all, is the fact that he handed me a boxed vibrator before he left me. So utterly a strange thing to do. I didn’t, and still don’t understand why he would do that? It seems a really mean thing to do. I loved him with all my heart. He was the only man I ever slept with as we married very young. I felt cheapened. I’d never refused him sex. We had a normal sex life.

I still don’t know why he would buy one of this and give it to me before leaving. Yes, it might have been to replace sex with him? But really...he has to be really cruel doesn’t he to buy and give me such a thing?

Soon after, while still married to me, he started an adulterous relationship with an older woman...