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Re: Husband Won’t Go

Yes, I have the same experience. Our marriage has obviously not worked for many years but my husband won’t leave even though I have asked him to leave repeatedly. In return he threatens to leave “one day”, but that day just doesn’t come. It is more convenient for him to be married and have me taking care of everything. I have wanted to file for divorce but have not found an attorney who won’t rob me blind ( another posting I put up) so I feel trapped.
I don’t have an answer for what you should do because I haven’t known what to do for many years. If you own the house or apartment you live in then you don’t want to leave and give up any rights and leave your property. A bad situation for many. If you rent and can afford your own place then by all means go. We only have this one life and I hate that I’ve wasted so much of mine on a person that makes me so unhappy.