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New separation, no family

Hello -

My husband and I have had a hard time for years now and I finally wanted to break the “silent treatment” cycle that he puts on me and asked to separate for awhile. I am having second thoughts even though I know nothing will change if we don’t take a step back. The problem is he is taking this as a clear cut and even gave back the house key and gained a “let me know what we do next” attitude. He says clearly he is done and not coming back anymore. My second thoughts come from the desire for companionship as I have surrounded myself with only him and our 5 year old. I am a stay at home mom and most days talk to no one else unless I go to a store that day. My parents passed away a couple years ago and siblings and I have never had a great relationship and talk only at Christmas. I am writing in hopes to get inspiration on where to turn to in these lonely moments as I have set myself up for failure during this separation and I don’t want to beg for him back unless he is willing to put in the work like I am. Will this ever end or have I lost him forever?

Re: New separation, no family

Sounds like he doesn’t want to try. If you have to keep repeating yourself on how you want to to be treated or heard then is it worth it? Everyone deserves happiness! Maybe you
Should join a volunteer group to meet people and get out more?

Re: New separation, no family

Hi, I am sorry that you are going through this.

Have you considered marriage counseling? Are you both willing to work on your marriage. I found it very helpful, also going by myself was very helpful to me as I learned different ways to act/react and was able to change my role in our relationship.

Good luck!