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Re: To file or not to file?

You are still young
You can do it
Man will never change even if he needs to go to a marriage counseling
They will change only for few months and than will resume again with their bad habits
I know from experience I am 60 yrs old
I am not saying all Men are the same but mostly
Wish you the Best of Luck πŸ™

Re: To file or not to file?

It will be hard in the beginning when you File and go through the final stage of divorce but it I will be worth it you will not have to worry every time when he goes out thinking
Is he with some other lady while You are taking care of your children It will be more peaceful it will take a while for you to heal (but Love is not enough to safe a marriage) all you have to do is think about you and your Kids you are young and be strong so you can give a healthy and happy life for you and your kids
Praying for you and your Kids πŸ™
Wish you the Best

Re: To file or not to file?

What a dirt bag he is!
Please DO talk with your family. Who cares if they know the truth? You’re going to need a support network to help you get through this; especially when you have a new-born.

His dad is a complete chauvinistic looser! What an idiot! We live in the 21st century, not days of servitude and ‘the little woman!’ Now we ROAR! We speak out. We support each other πŸ’•

Can you start a Go Fund Me page to raise money for the divorce?

Cut this dead weight out of your life. Start arming yourself with information, secure the evidence you have so you can show it to the court if needed, take ‘cash back/cash out’ every time you buy groceries, as he’s less likely to suspect a few extra dollars on the grocery receipt. Open a mail/post office box, your own individual bank account and go get legal advice. Claim child support and spousal support from him via the divorce court. Sell everything you can get your hands on -discretely-that he won’t miss-so you can raise cash. Old jewellery, extra bits of furniture in the garage, camping equipment etc. use the money to buy baby stuff so you have it ready. Stock up on diapers, formula etc on your grocery shopping. Stockpile, in case you run short of money in the future.

Find out what assets he has. Grab copies of as much documentation as you can-in case he starts hiding things later. Take all your documents to your parents: Passports, marriage certificate etc-anything he could destroy out of spite when the divorce starts.

Seek legal advice/get prepared/then file his cheatin ass to hell and back.

Great call telling her husband! πŸ€£πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ™

Re: To file or not to file?

Sorry you are going through
πŸ™ for you
Stay Strong