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Husband does not know why I left

After a heated argument my husband threaten me and I asked why r you threatened me and he said nothing and than he went to another room
I took my things and left without telling him and filed for divorce (I got scared and I started walking with a pepper spray just in case he would something)
He usually have bad temper, raise his voice, cursed at me before at times my co workers would say Why my husband is a bitter man and always angry ? but this time he went to far threatening me
After he received the divorce papers I saw on an video camera we have at home
Talking to his friend that he does not know WHY I stopped talking to him and he is swearing to GOD that he did nothing to me
Did I do the right thing ?
Been married for 28 yrs

Re: Husband does not know why I left

Yes, Tell Him Why ?

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Clear Coaching & Counseling

Thanks Anthony

Re: Husband does not know why I left

Yes, you did the right thing. Don't doubt yourself!
I promise you will be so much happier living in peace and calm.

Of course he knows why you left if he gave himself two seconds to really think about it. He may be too busy being defensive and in denial to admit it - but not your problem.

You do what you know is best for you!

Good luck!

Re: Husband does not know why I left

I too am going through something same. I moved out of his place 2 weeks ago, because of abuse and all. He was a very selfish person. But now he just doesn't accept his faults, he keep saying that he took care of me and all, when he didn't. Always fought on money.
Now he and his family is blaming me that I must have found someone that's why I am separating. I also feel doubtful at times, though I know how selfish he was at times, and how abusive he was.
I know how daunting it is when the person who abuses acts like they are the victim.
Pls trust yourself, take care of yourself. Hope everything goes okay.