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Re: Why do I keep thinking about my soon to be ex husband?

WHY YOU CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT YOUR EX: Is your Ex always on your mind? Do you think about your Ex first thing in the morning, throughout the day, and last thing at night? Does every little thing trigger memories of your Ex?

If you are like many (most? all?) people struggling with the aftermath of a painful breakup — even a breakup that you know was the right thing for both of you — you may find yourself tormented with non-stop thoughts about your Ex.

Have you ever found yourself saying (or thinking) “How do I stop caring about my Ex? Why am I still thinking about my Ex? I don't care! But I do…” Like so many of our breakup counseling clients or divorce recovery clients, you're wanting to fully heal your heart so that you can let go of the past, and move forward into a new future.

Clear Coaching & Counseling

Re: Why do I keep thinking about my soon to be ex husband?

I feel it's part of the healing process. Sort of like the grieving process- shock, disbelief, sadness, regret, anger, loneliness. We all go thru the stages and the roller coaster of emotions. It's been 2 years since my ex & I separated & a full year since we've been divorced and I still find myself thinking about him. Not so much in the way of missing him or wanting him back. And definitely not because I want him back or want to be with him. It's crazy!
I think what's important is to actually feel what you are feeling, process those feelings (what I mean by that is talk yourself through those feelings, ask yourself why you are feeling this way, what's important to YOU at that moment & how can you move forward). Most importantly keep it moving- keep your life moving forward. Do things you enjoy doing. If you don't have many hobbies, find some new ones. Venture out of your comfort zone. Take some classes, volunteer (if you have time), take long walks listening to your favorite music, dance in the kitchen like no ones watching! Lean on your friends & family for support. What you are going thru is natural and you're not alone.
So for your own mental health & wellbeing feel what you are feeling, allow yourself to sit in those feelings BUT once you have try not to revisit them. If they resurface give yourself 5-10 minutes to feel them then tell yourself "ok, I felt you now get out of there cause I'm gonna keep it moving"
Keep your head up sis you're not alone!