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Re: Recently Divorced & Terrified


Divorce is one of the most stressful life events that a person experiences. One of the main reasons it's such a nightmare is because it somehow manages to hold us hostage with stress and fear. It makes us unable to move, to think, to function.

I try to be as flexible as possible in accommodating the needs of clients by offering appointments during evening hours, on weekends.

Clear Coaching & Counseling

Re: Recently Divorced & Terrified

Hi Recently divorced,
You said it in your post... I am a strong woman! That's what you have to remember!! I know all too well the feelings you are experiencing.
I've been divorced now for a year (we separated nearly 2 years ago). Shortly after my separation COVID happened & then right after my divorce was finalized we were hit by a MAJOR cat 4 hurricane then about 5 weeks later another cat 2 hurricane. Then in Feb. a winter storm & in May a flood (I live in southern Louisiana) so to be a single woman faced with all that is extremely terrifying! But you know what, we get through it because we are strong women! You'll figure out how to fix things & keep up with the lawn. And when you can't ask for help- it doesn't make us weak!
So keep your head up you got this sis!

Re: Recently Divorced & Terrified

Monica, THANK YOU! Your reply brought tears to my eyes, HAPPY tears for a change.

Re: Recently Divorced & Terrified


I understand it can be overwhelming! I had to get used to doing all the things my ex- did also. Paying the bills, balancing the checkbook, home repairs; things I hadn't had to do in over 20 years because they were on his "to do" list.

You can do it! You can hire people for yard work and home repair. You didn't say how old your kids are- but put them to work if they are old enough. Growing up my siblings and I did all the yard work, plus cleaning, cooking, helping to paint the house, etc. It was all hands on deck!

After my divorce I moved into a townhouse without a yard and a smaller footprint, so that reduced the amount of house I have to take care of and no yard work. While I have a bit less room, it has been a relief to not have so much hanging over my head.

Good luck- you can do it!

Re: Recently Divorced & Terrified

Kelly, thank you so much. 😊

Re: Recently Divorced & Terrified

Dear Recently Divorced,
You can and will get through this. There are online math tutors who can video chat with the kids, there are lots of online math sites that the kids can probably find; if not, the math teacher can recommend some to you.
Home repairs can be hired out, or you can look up just about anything on you-tube. I was not handy around the house, but even managed to install a new toilet by myself! First, go buy yourself a simple tool kit from your local store like Walmart or Home Depot. That will be a great start.
I used to cry everytime I hit another snag in the "fix-it" department. I would get so angry at my ex. But it was still easier than living with a narcissist!
Just take one day at a time for now. It takes awhile for everything to fall into place.
I have been divorced for 10 years, from the second one, and still have a 16 year old at home at age 58. I am very grateful to have the kids near me as my grown ones live in the same town.
If you get overwhelmed, make a list of things that are bugging you or repairs that need to get done. Keep that list for a couple years and write down dates that each thing gets completed. It will boost you down the road to see what you have accompished and how far you've grown.
It will be okay, just different. Hugs to you.

Re: Recently Divorced & Terrified

Thank you, Barbara 😊