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Re: Suddenly alone at 64

Hi Shree, I am in a similar situation. After 10 years, 8 married, my husband says he’s not in love and he’s not over his dead wife (she died 14 years ago!!).

I’m 56, we were planning retirement for next year. His oldest is getting married in 2 weeks. He took everything from me, my best friend, 3 of our 5 kids, and my life. I’ve tried to make sense of this but there is no justification. My faith is strong and I’m standing on it to move forward. If you stop asking why and start looking at how you can heal. Promise.

Re: Suddenly alone at 64

Shree, he was weak to tell you by phone. So sad I know, but not worthy of your love. I know you just want him back. Really feel your pain. Especially difficult where you live, I'm sure.

Just try to get through each day, as I do.
If you are religious, pray. If you're not, pray anyway.

Suggest psalms esp # 22 and 23. Get online if you don't have a Bible. Helps just to read the words and cry.

God answers all prayers, even if sometimes the answer is no. It means different things are coming. Maybe better in some way.

Hope it helps.

Re: Suddenly alone at 64

You are so very correct! He does!

Re: Suddenly alone at 64

Shree, I am so so sorry at the events surrounding him.

I don't think there are any words I can give you for wisdom in this. All I can do is offer a virtual hug (((((((hugs))))) and the sending of love your way.

I know for me 51 I am worried as I have a whole host of health problems one being Meneires (vertigo).

I personally get scared sometimes when as I move on preparing myself to leave him.

The one thing I started to do was research for support groups for woman growing old alone.

I just started the research recently but I will share a link I found valuable enough to keep as they mention a few things in there.


I hope it helps.