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found out on social media today while I was at work that my ex husband is getting married

Hey all! I am here to vent about what happened to me today at work. I was about to have lunch, sitting with my coworker, just making some small talk about the job, when I decided to check on Facebook, which I do every now and then, when my ex mother-in-law posted a throwback picture of my ex husband. along with the throwback picture, she posted that it was a picture of her son 23 years ago, and that he was soon going to be married, with little hearts at the end of the post. You all may be thinking,okay so what? What's really hurting me so much is that two months ago, my ex mother-in-law was asking me to move in with her and my ex father-in-law, all expenses paid? She invited me to every holiday gathering last year, and expressing to me that she wasn't too fond of my ex's girlfriend and that she'd rather have me around. She still refers to me as her daughter! I am so confused, they (my in-laws) are eager to tell me about my ex husband but didn't tell me about him being engaged and now getting married soon. I fought so hard to hide my pain and tears at work today to the point of me becoming disoriented, nauseous, and feeling like I was being stabbed in the stomach repeatedly. I kind of feel betrayed to a certain extent. I have been divorced for 6 years and its like I'm re-living the nightmare over and over again. I took the divorce really hard and suffered a lot of emotional damage, and mental breakdown ever since the divorce. I haven't been the same ever since. I feel like he is just throwing me away, and none of my physical, emotional, mental and monetary sacrifice meant anything to him. We were together since our early teens up until our early 30's. I settled for less all the time, we didn't even have a wedding, we married at a court house, almost secretly, no honeymoon, no big announcement of our marriage. I feel that I deserved better than that because I put up with a lot of ridiculousness and things that would make someone leave for years, but I stayed and endured it all until I couldn't take anymore. By the way he was the one that asked for the divorce, I didn't want a divorce. He divorced me because I didn't have money, he wasn't attracted to me anymore, and I couldn't give him the rich life that he wanted. I'm sorry that I typed this looooong message but thanks for reading it , I am open to any advice and if you want to know more about my situation, I am an open book, ask me anything.

Re: found out on social media today while I was at work that my ex husband is getting married

heyy... i'm realy sorry for what happened to you if u felt that u need some one to talk to or want to have support u can txt me on my google account
or u can txt me on what's app
i'll be here anytime u are a strong person i know that u will become better !!!
much love and support for you 🤍