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Husband driving me crazy

I have been married for 29 years
We have a daughter and a son (both of them in their early 30)
All through out my life all I can hear him (my husband) saying
That I am always on their side .. I am sick and tired of hearing this phrase (that is our argument always been about our kids)
The reason I am on my Kids side that he still like to control their life ( they are both married and have their own life to live
I keep telling my husband leave them alone and just enjoy our time together along with our Kids but he does not seem to understand that the young generation is different from the old ones) all we have to do as a Parents is to still care, love , and help financially and see them Health and Happy
Both of them is successful well and I am Proud of them but my husband does not see that unfortunately...instead of him being Thankful of having a healthy wonderful ,Kind , no trouble maker , respectfully to other Kids he is never satisfied of our Kids
He always find something bad about them
He likes to control their future of being something Else in their careers and other things too
I am at the point that I just want to run away from my husband
And get divorce and leave me alone
He is the same way to me (he like to control everybody’s life)
No marriage therapy will work for us)
I rather be alone sometimes than being with him
He also have anger issues and he will never ever forget if someone ever hurted him in anyway
Our Kids hate him but they never told their father
The reason they hate him is because he like to be in control ,
He has no empathy, he is not kind person, he has anger issues, he is manipulative , he does not give a s__t what other people feel , he does not respect me and no one
That is Why I am at my kids side Having this personalities
I stayed because I got used to
Sometime I feel happy being with him and sometimes sad
I do not know what to do ??
I will do anything to my Kids but I do not feel the same way to my husband
Is it normal to feel this way??

What am I doing with this person ????
What would you do if you were on my shoes ?
60% I want to leave And 40% I want to stay because after all these bad personally I still love him but I do not like him
Is it worth staying in this marriage
❤️Only for Love ❤️
Thanks for reading my situation

Re: Husband driving me crazy

I think you are a saint for sticking it out for so long. I have been married 5 years and want to leave for many of the same reasons. I’m sick of my husbands controlling behaviour and his inability to accept other people for who they are. We do not have children together because I am terrified if I have a child with him I will have a mental breakdown.
Did you end up staying or going ? I hope you are feeling safe and well and taking care of yourself.