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Re: Feeling lost

Hello Sss.

I can totally relate to you in every way. I am an introvert. I remember feeling sad. I devoted my whole life to my husband, and I remember feeling lost when the marriage ended and I got my own place. I did not know what to do with all that time because it was always about my marriage. As introverts sometimes it’s hard to socialize and make new friends but the truth is we don't need a wide circle of friends, a few trusted friends will do. I understand not knowing about my future and if things will be okay. May you be encouraged that God declares He has plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). My favorite is God said He will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten...You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God (Joel 2:25-26).