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Re: Gray divorce

I'm so sorry you are through this. I know the pain seems I unbearable right now but I promise you things do get better.

I had days where I didn't know how I would get through it... Sometimes it felt minute by minute... I cried a lot. But it got better.

This is a time to focus on yourself. What do you want to do? Where can you make new friends? You will build a new life and I promise you, you will eventually come to enjoy your new life.

Whatever you do, don't sign anything. Get an attorney and make sure you get a fair settlement. Too many times we women are so used to taking care of them... That we continue to do that to our own detriment. He is going to set up a new life. Take your fair share to set yourself up a new life too.

Hang in there. I promise it's going to be ok.