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Hello Everyone in this Forum
Hope you are all well safe and emotionally strong for whatever life brings us 🙏
I had filed for divorce last year from an emotionally control ex that threatened me after 35 yrs of marriage since the divorce is not final yet and I have not seen or talked to him since last year and I am ok with no communication whatsoever only through lawyers
My concern is
I have a to be in a building where my ex works
I am afraid that I will be bumping into him and he will approach me and say what made me walk away from him (he should know better I do not need to explain why I escaped from the house)
What should i say ?
He likes to manipulate me with his words so I can go back to him (I don’t think he wants me back now though ) because in the beginning of our divorce he was sending videos of himself begging to come back to him but I never responded to him than he gave up
*I want to avoid him as much as possible *
Please give me some ideas 💡
I do not have a restraining order because is not something that I need to do for now
Because since I left only in the beginning after he found out I filed for divorce he started sending me video of himself crying , telling me he cannot image himself without me , come back home and telling me that our dogs missed me because they are not eating etc…

He has been telling his friends that I just walked out without a word but he is not telling his friends that he threatened me
His Friends knows me and my ex for over 10 years should I tell them if they see me and ask me why I got a divorce? Should I mention That my ex threatened me

I will greatly appreciate your ideas of what to say and do?
Thank you so very much

Re: Elizabeth


I am sorry that you are in this situation.

I just have a couple of thoughts;

the videos of him "crying" are just a manipulation to get you back so he can control you.

I wouldn't worry about telling your mutual friends why you left him. I found it interesting that none of our friends asked me why I filed for divorce, and the one time I tried to bring it up with one of the girls, I was shut down pretty hard. Which was right, don't put your friends in the middle.

If you see him, just keep walking. Don't engage, don't let. him draw you into a conversation/discussion. Stay firm and consistent that you do not wish to speak with him.

Good luck!