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Re: After 30 years of marriage

Hi Elisabeth,

I’m sending you hugs and healing. Us women put up with a lot from men just to make a marriage work and to even try to make them happy in the attempts that we will be happy.

I’m dealing with my husband and he has a temper as well and seems to be a narcissist just like your husband. Where they are always right and everything they say is gold. I’m not sure if your husband invalidates you but mine does and it hurts to hear them constantly put you down.

I think after giving him 30 years of life at least he could respect your views and opinions but I guess some people never change. I mean you even stated he treated his own father terribly. I feel like people who treat the two people in the world that gave them life terribly are horrible people (granted their parents weren’t terrible to them while raising them) The good thing is that I hope you know that you should be heard and everything he says isn’t always accurate. You should always speak up for yourself because the more you speak up the less they know they can’t walk all over you. They hate that but own your power and don’t give him that satisfaction that he’s right and your wrong and you don’t matter. You do and you deserve so much better!

Sending you love and light.

Re: After 30 years of marriage

Hi Sarah
Thank you for your opinion
If I start speaking up to let him know how I really feel
It will be a revolution of arguments , he will raise his voice, maybe he will push me etc…when I spoke to him regarding my opinions are , he told many times to me that I am never on his side during our marriage when I tried to talk to him about what I feel
I am kind of afraid of him
Sometimes I think about divorcing him and just be by myself
Is being 60 Yrs old too late to divorce
I can be on my own financially but I do not know why I can not put my mind to it to divorce
Maybe because I feel sorry for him since he has some health problems even though he can still take care of himself …and he is 65 yrs old
I do not know what to do ?
I even do not know if I want to be in this marriage of my remaining years
I Thank God my health is good for now
What should I do?
I am confused 😕 😬

Re: After 30 years of marriage

I divorced right at 30 years. I was 57. I thought he was best guy ever. He proved me wrong —- was abusive and withholding fo me and our 3 children.

I had no support from family. They thought he was just lovely. Perhaps I should have told them he made fun of them — that’s the only way they may have somehow seen the light and supported me.

Who says u have to give ur life away just because, for whatever reason, you already have? Try to find some support. I didn’t have any, but I was savvy in financial matters, so that’s what saved me.

It’s never too late to have a happy life — or at least one that doesn’t include a person who disrespects you. Good wishes to you.