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Re: After 30 years of marriage

Hi Sarah
Thank you for your opinion
If I start speaking up to let him know how I really feel
It will be a revolution of arguments , he will raise his voice, maybe he will push me etc…when I spoke to him regarding my opinions are , he told many times to me that I am never on his side during our marriage when I tried to talk to him about what I feel
I am kind of afraid of him
Sometimes I think about divorcing him and just be by myself
Is being 60 Yrs old too late to divorce
I can be on my own financially but I do not know why I can not put my mind to it to divorce
Maybe because I feel sorry for him since he has some health problems even though he can still take care of himself …and he is 65 yrs old
I do not know what to do ?
I even do not know if I want to be in this marriage of my remaining years
I Thank God my health is good for now
What should I do?
I am confused 😕 😬

Re: After 30 years of marriage

I divorced right at 30 years. I was 57. I thought he was best guy ever. He proved me wrong —- was abusive and withholding fo me and our 3 children.

I had no support from family. They thought he was just lovely. Perhaps I should have told them he made fun of them — that’s the only way they may have somehow seen the light and supported me.

Who says u have to give ur life away just because, for whatever reason, you already have? Try to find some support. I didn’t have any, but I was savvy in financial matters, so that’s what saved me.

It’s never too late to have a happy life — or at least one that doesn’t include a person who disrespects you. Good wishes to you.