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Confused about husband decision to leave me

We are both in our 60’ s
How long does it take to heal a broken heart after 3 decades of marriage
After an silly argument he filed for divorce just because I did not agree with him ( most of our arguments is ?we are never in the same page and he always think that he is right )
He just walked away without me knowing and suddenly after couple of days I was served with the divorce papers

I am sad by his decision i was not expecting that he would file for divorce
I even do not know what I did to him
I have been calling and he is not responding to any of my phone calls
He has been ignoring me
I sent a video of myself apologizing if I did say anything to upset him begging to come back so we can talk
He is still ignoring me
Last week I felt and broke my finger and he has not even came to rescue me when I texted him and told him I am in the hospital getting stitches
This is not the first time he walked away from me after an argument
I don’t know what to do ??

Re: Confused about husband decision to leave me

My heart breaks for you because you have a broken heart. My intuition based on all you have said is you are in a mind set where you are blaming everything on yourself, and that is probably based on the dynamics of the relationship you have built over the years with your husband. I would search out for yourself a good therapist, because if the divorce proceeds you are going to need support and have a professional help you navigate it. If you cannot afford a therapist go to a woman's trauma center. I hope things work out for you.

Re: Confused about husband decision to leave me

Are you certain he hasn’t been having an affair? Have you argued much before? It just seems odd that he’d serve divorce papers on you so fast?

Re: Confused about husband decision to leave me

this is part of a post I made a little bit ago... Sounded like a Covert narcissist to me.


Someone recommend the book on this board to me. And honestly I could not be more grateful to that person for taking the time to do so.


Another person who also talks about it I found is Dr Ramani on youtube.com

