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He is forever 17 yrs old and I think its time to say good-bye

I have been married for 10 yrs as of last week. And this entire time he has shown that he is super immature and selfish. I was working to keep us afloat and he could not work bc he had to wait for USA paperwork. In the meantime he started talking to his ex GF online and saying he missed her. I kicked him out.

He went to see counseling before I took him back. Then 7 months later he was online with some fake Russian hooker. It was just something to kill time with for him but that's not acceptable to me, so I kicked him out. Again.

Then all my hard work paid off, I brought a house. we worked hard and lived together. He kept coming home at 3 am and I was like Im done! He said he would change and he did eventually. Since getting his paperwork he's worked really hard at his retail job. Everything was finally okay.

There were things he did that were immature like going to Las Vegas even though he vowed to take my mom to the airport. Or the fact that he doesn't even know the name of the company that holds our mortgage. I was "Ok, he's childish but hard working and well, all men are a little child like"

We are trying to have a baby and every single month its a soul crushing thing when my period comes. But I wanted to give him a baby. I pictured the two of them dancing to the radio in the car and the child having its Dad's fun nature and charm.

I found out last week he had a child and was already a Dad for five years! It happened after I kicked him out. He never told me. I had to find out from social media. I gave all his stuff away and kicked him out. But I love him and I thought let me try just one last time...

I called him and instead of him trying to make it up to me or asking how I am, he's still fuming about his stuff. He can always get new passport and sneakers . Where do I go to get my trust back ?

And when I called him, having found myself missing him, his behavior was like he was putting up with me.:rage: I can't stay married to a child. I love him so much. But He always finds ways to remind me that he will never grow up. And now, I think I really am done. it hurts. Anyone married to a "forever child"?

Re: He is forever 17 yrs old and I think its time to say good-bye

Sounds like you’ve had a stroke of luck in getting away from him before getting landed with a kid he’d no doubt not fairly share the care of. He’d most probably be out having fun while literally, leaving you to hold the baby.

Good riddance to him. Stop chasing garbage and move on to a more respectful guy who acts his age.