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Re: Cheater after 30 years

Wow…A 5 year affair? Or do you mean he’s known her (like at work or similar) for 5 years?

What a total **** he is, either way!

It’s probably a mid-life crisis because he’s told you about his tart, after your daughter’s wedding so I’m wondering if he now sees your daughters as old enough to be independent enough for him to walk away? So many marriages end when couples become empty nesters and sit staring at each other, bored with not a lot to say to each other. But the fact he’s been involved with someone for a while, means either he’s not happy/feeling fulfilled with life in general, he’s panicking he’s running out of time in life to try to find happiness, or he’s having sex with a younger woman to try to convince himself he’s younger than he really is! Often, if they go with a much younger woman, they have a child with her just to prove they’ve ‘still got it.’

Maybe, living with her everyday and having to do chores/pay bills/clean the house etc, won’t seem as ‘sexy’ or exciting after a while and he’ll bore of her and want to come back to you. What would you do? Refuse? Take him back?…

I wouldn’t go pleading with him. I’d hold my head up high, get hair extensions, put on red lipstick, but myself a flashy car and give the impression you’re loving life! If he sees you as fun, exciting and unreachable, maybe he’ll begin to wonder why on earth he’s left you.

He’s thinking with his dick! You need to think with your head and get some legal advice. Also, be kind to yourself and take care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. See a doctor for some Valium and sleeping pills if they’ll help you cope day to day for now. Write a journal, listen to calming music, go for country walks, meet with friends etc. This is not your fault, so don’t give his tart the ammunition to fire at you. Block her on Facebook. Block him too. Don’t let either of them taunt you or goad you with cruel ‘happy couple’ images.
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” - Eleanor Roosevelt. Don’t let them psyche you out…Keep strong, keep busy, breathe and know you are loved by many.