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Re: Sorry for my Ex

Hello Ola
Thank you for your reply
The threatened phrase that he said to me was
(Linda you lucky to be alive) just because I did not agree with him and because I was not in his side to agree with his opinions
Do you think man like this does not realized that he is hurting people that loved him?
Is aware what he had said?
I know deeply in my hurt I feel he is sorry but I cannot live with him anymore knowing that he said that to me
Can a person just say this phrase just like an joking way ??

Re: Sorry for my Ex

It’s hard to say without knowing the context of the situation at the time it was said. Did he shout it? Look angry? Look mean? Snarl it at you? In any case, if you felt threatened by him, be reassured that that’s not an ok way for him to have made you feel. Trust your gut instinct. Trust you made the right decision to leave to keep yourself safe. If you feel sorry for him and go back to him/he’s ‘won’ hasn’t he? and he may feel he can treat you the hell however he wants in future and that you won’t leave again (or if you did, chances are he’d ‘guilt’ you all over again and you’d go back to him).

Re: Sorry for my Ex

Hi Ola
He did get angry and disappointed that I did not agree with him that”s why he said that awful phrase
Come to think of You are very right if I decide to go back he will start controlling me again and get even angrier every time I don”t agree with him it will be an on and off relationship every time we argue and he might even be a violent person now because I filed for divorce without letting him know

(He is the type of person that if he sees a white color object but is actually a black color object I will have to agree with him that is white no matter what just because I am his wife )

He have always said to me that “I am never on his side” and I told him what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong
All through out the years I have been working in our business
He does not realized that we both built this business together as a couple and he thinks that I have not done nothing
That also bothers me
Thank you again
God Bless you 🤗

Re: Sorry for my Ex

I understand, my ex- was also very controlling and emotionally abuse.

I also felt a little sorry for my ex-. But actions have consequences and these are the consequences for his actions and choices.

You can feel sorry for him without feeling like you have to do anything about it. You have no power or responsibility for his situation, stay firm on your boundaries and keeping building your life.

All the best!