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Re: Feel lonely

It may not be your marriage. Do you have friends/girlfriends that you see? Do you have other activities/groups that you spend time with? Sometimes we need other relationships in our life.

How is your health? After 25 years married, are you starting to go through menopause? When I did, all kinds of things were going on with me- physically and mentally.

Good luck!

Re: Feel lonely

Hi Kelly
Thank you :)
Oops Sorry 😐 I meant to say 32 yrs of marriage
Actually I do go out with my friends I Like going out with them more than I like going out with my husband

I am 59 yrs old and I started my menopause at 47yrs old I am in good health for now so far I only have high blood pressure which I take medicine for.
But I still don’t know why I feel this emptiness when I am with my husband
I only feel this way with him
I do not feel this way with No one else though 🤷🏻‍♀️

Re: Feel lonely


I understand, I enjoyed my friends more than I did my husband too :)

All the best!

Re: Feel lonely

May I ask....do you still love him?

Re: Feel lonely

Hi Hayley

I do love him but I am not in love with him
Even though we go places together I do not like his company that much I rather hang out with my friends sometimes
Because I am the one that do all the talking during our trip together no matter where we go
I would love if he would talk to me about anything or anything but he has changed for the last 10 years