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Re: Divorcing after 15 years

Rose, I’m wondering if you’re experiencing post-natal depression? Feeling disconnected from your own child and husband might be an indication of this…

There’s no point in having a child if you feel no remorse in potentially walking out of its life for random strangers! Your child is linked with your psychological feelings of your husband ie-That you want to get away/break free. But your child is an innocent victim in all of this. The child didn’t choose to come into this world-YOU made that choice. I wouldn’t scapegoat your child in a month of Sundays, which is why I feel you ought to speak with a psychologist about your feelings of disconnection and not wanting to be around your own child.

You sound as if you’ve played around/committed adultery against your husband, who you describe as ‘a great man.’ If he’s so great, why on earth would you treat him so despicably as to openly cheat on him and then expect him not to be upset?! The tone of your post seems to indicate that you feel like the ‘victim’ in this whole scenario, yet you are willing to shun your own husband and child. Think about that.

I think your husband sounds very sensible in wanting to keep the family home for him and your child to live in. He’s right about trying to maintain some level of stability for your child, because Heaven knows, his mother appears to have lost the plot 🤨