Womans Divorce Forum

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Womans Divorce Forum
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Sad Feeling

I filed for divorce 9 months ago after 37 years of marriage because my ex threatened me verbally and he has a temper that suddenly he outburst all through out our life together And At times he was disrespectful to me (which I got used to) and now my adults kids does not want or talk to him ever again after he threatened me .
I did talk to my kids that this is between me and my ex they do not have to cut the relationship with their dad Because I do not want my ex to feel alone without any help when needed and also he will be living alone without any close families around because he does not like being alone
Should I persuade my kids to talk or be there for my ex even though they already cut their relationships ?
Is it right what they are doing to their dad ?
By the way their relationship with their dad was not so great but they were there when he needed help
I feel sad that I needed to do this because now I am afraid of him (He lost his whole family in the same time )
That”s sad 😔

Free Divorce Webinar

Hi Leslie,

We are a group of Cal Poly students studying entrepreneurship and are currently taking a customer development class. We are working with Dr. Michael McGee, a psychiatrist based in Avila Beach, on creating a community called “WellMind” for divorced individuals. We need divorced individuals to sign up for our webinar that we are hosting on December 1 at 4:30pm to 5:00 pm. If you are not divorced, it would be greatly appreciated if you could send this survey to people you know who are. Thank you so much! Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Use this link to our landing page to sign up: https://susielloyd9.wixsite.com/wellmindlandingpage

Susie Lloyd, Lily Wolfe, Bella Wygant, Hannah Kay, and Maile Broad