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Confused after 11 years of marriage

My husband of 11 years recently told me that he is no longer in love with me. He loves me, but is not in love with me. He just decided that he no longer wants to be married, but will always support me and our two children. We started counseling, but honestly I don’t feel that he’s heart is in it. He’s changed so drastically over the past two years that I barely recognized him as my loving husband. I have no concerns for cheating, or another women. He just wants to focus on himself. I am so hurt, confused, and lost. I don’t want to be in a loveless marriage, but I cry every time I think about how this will devastate our children. Although he is the one that bo longer wants to be married, I know that he will never file and that responsibility will be on me, making me the “bad guy”. I just feel like I’m in a bad dream and the emotional pain is so strong it feels like I am physically injured.

Re: Confused after 11 years of marriage

Hi. Did something change two years ago? Think back.
Has he been staying late at work/going on work trips?
How old is he? Is it a midlife crisis?

Free Divorce Webinar

Hi Lisa,

We are a group of Cal Poly students studying entrepreneurship and are currently taking a customer development class. We are working with Dr. Michael McGee, a psychiatrist based in Avila Beach, on creating a community called “WellMind” for divorced individuals. We need divorced individuals to sign up for our webinar that we are hosting on December 1 at 4:30pm to 5:00 pm. If you are not divorced, it would be greatly appreciated if you could send this survey to people you know who are. Thank you so much! Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Use this link to our landing page to sign up: https://susielloyd9.wixsite.com/wellmindlandingpage

Susie Lloyd, Lily Wolfe, Bella Wygant, Hannah Kay, and Maile Broad