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Needs some ideas

What is the best way to forget and not think about an ex and I do keep my self distracted and stay in contact with the people I Love ❤️
Been divorced for a year now

Re: Needs some ideas

I’m there with you sis! Was married for 20 yrs & divorced for a lil over a year. I’ve moved on & have a great boyfriend who is caring & thoughtful, he’s shown me what true unconditional love is…but it’s hard not thinking about him & what should’ve been. If only my ex was like him!
How to get thru it…I just remember that I’m so much better off & life with him would’ve been miserable & things would never change. That’s how I get thru those rough times
Best of luck

Re: Needs some ideas

Hi Monica
Thank you for responding
I am happy for you

My marriage lasted for 32 years and I am 59 yrs old
I am not looking for anyone because I am scared and worry that I will be in the same situation that I was in my marriage .
In the beginning Man in general they are kind
Respectful , funny, caring, romantic etc... and after soo many years together they become boring , mad, angry, moody etc...
But I am still trying to get him off my mind after he treated me with no respect ,lying , emotionally cheated on me , etc...
Wishing you happiness 🙏🤗

Re: Needs some ideas

32 years is a LONG time!! Give yourself some grace to grieve. It's ok that you are hurt. It is part of the healing process. Are you practicing any self care? Do you date yourself? Take yourself to the movies? A nice dinner? Buy yourself flowers? Fall in love with who you are again. Take up that hobby that you have put off because of your ex.