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Broken heart

How is it so easy ti walk away after 30+ years? Don’t look like 25 anymore but I’m not a horror show

Re: Broken heart

It's never easy to walk away. Mine is leaving after 14 years and I will never be the same. Let's face it no one will be interested in a 40 year old mess with kids. It's going to be a disaster and I can't stop it.

Re: Broken heart

Hi please give yourself some credit , you are worth far more than you think you are, I am nearly 59 , I gave him 22 yrs , and I wish I had kicked him out when I was your age with kids , your life is not over by a long shot, it’s only just beginning , I know you are hurting right now, but it will start to subside and you will get your confidence back, and if it’s any consolation the ones like mine who think the grass is greener elsewhere they often end up lonely old men and the wives eventually after the hurt has subsided and they feel ready meet someone that is actually worth it , it has been like that for many women that I know , and hopefully for me as well, i I am not quite ready to have a relationship myself at the moment , it’s been over a yr since I kicked his **** out and that yr has gone quickly, because I have had to,divorce the **** , it’s nearly finalised , sell my home , and rent , and now looking for somewhere to buy , I am working on myself and on being happy in my own skin , and I don’t want to rely on a many to make me happy, I need to be happy myself,
You will get there time really is a healer , I don’t know why your husband has left , but please don’t think that your life and happiness depends on him being there, you deserve someone that wants to be with you and your children.

Much love ❤️