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Husband Attends Church Frequently

I need some comments regarding this matter
My husband is a devoted catholic he likes to go to church every morning and he is also an Eucharistic and I usually attend the Sunday Mass together And he gets some how
Upset that I do not join him during weekdays
I do not see the point of me going everyday because God is everywhere but I do attend every Sunday
I do not think I need to join him everyday but he thinks I need to just because I am his wife (he cannot force me right?)
What do you think?
Why he is being so mean to me and getting upset for this reason ?

Re: Husband Attends Church Frequently

How he chaises to worship is his choice and how you choose to, is your choice :) I’m a Christian but I feel I don’t need to go to church/sit in a building to demonstrate my faith. Does he think that sitting in a church daily make him a better Christian than others/you-If so, what a conceited and shallow/narrow-minded view he has! Tell him to practice a bit of Christian ‘forgiveness’ towards you by not bullying you!

It’s not like you’ve refused to go to church: You’re going 4 times per month as it is. He’s sounds a bit fanatical. Jesus didn’t command ‘Thou shalt go to church everyday, or I’ll view you as a lesser Christian, or as a sinner’ did he?! Your husband needs to chill out :)