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Got married 8 months ago I REGRET IT

I got married in march and I realized now I wasnt doing it for me I was doing it for my family friends,career etc....
I was happy for a few months but Now I realize I made a huge and terrible mistake.On the surface and as far as my husband and family know Im happy BUT IM NOT!!!!! and im wanting to flee this titanic but dont know who to turn to to start the conversation about it all I know is I miss being single already and I just have grown tired of my husband and being with him honestly....

I was pleasing other people with the marriage and although it wasnt rushed per say I feel like my mind was on autopilot during the engagement and I didnt think it thru clearly.that being said
does anyone have any advice on how I should go about this Im afraid to even tell me family much less my husband I just want out and wanna get away and just be single again.

Should I have a consult with a lawyer before i tell anyone???
what would you do if you were me??

Re: Got married 8 months ago I REGRET IT

I think that would be pretty harsh on your husband. Only 8 months? On the other hand, if you’re truly unhappy and you have given marriage guidance a try first, go see a lawyer about getting a divorce.

He’s going to feel like you’ve led him on though. (I’ve got tins of food in the cupboard older than 8 months!)

The excitement of being romanced, planning a wedding etc can be tiring but exhilarating. No wonder ordinary life seems tame now. But that’s the reality of the real world. We don’t live in a magazine fantasy world where everything is perfect. Real life is hard and if you’ve got a loving and kind, supportive and caring husband, count yourself very, very fortunate.

Re: Got married 8 months ago I REGRET IT

Ive decided to tough it out for a year and reevaluate but theres no mistake the fact I was wrong to get married.My husband does not even turn me on and he follows me around and likes everything I post on social media like a beta male cuck.The guy I was seeing before I got engaged to my current husband was a real man he owned a farm and was not female like like my husband is.

Ive consulted a lawyer today and she said that growing tired of my husband is reason enough to start divorce but im still going to
reevaluate things but that wont change the fact my husband basically is a little puppy dog around me and it completly turns me off

Re: Got married 8 months ago I REGRET IT

Why did you split up from the farmer then, if he turned you on? Or did HE ditch you?

Your husband is still in the honeymoon phase of your marriage. He’s doting on you. Don’t worry-In 5 years time he’ll be utterly sick of you too and will start having affairs. That should keep you interested hey? The thrill of the chase.

Re: Got married 8 months ago I REGRET IT

The farmer did not want to get married and I am already sick of my husband and his mom and or other family he has.They are Grade A Insane and my husband lied about how much money he had.
NO I didnt get married for his supposed wealth But he has a
spending problem he makes 50,000 a year and has credit card debtand he still spends like hes got money growing on trees.
IM screaming inside I wanna tell someone in my family soon
Ive spoken to a lawyer but only you guys on this forum know about my feelings not even my mom knows yet.I would be happy just
dating my ex again and being single.My current husbands penis
is so small you wouldnt even believe it unless you saw it

and yes go ahead and laugh but we DID NOT have sex till
after we got married because of his godly ways of him and his family.In a way im cursed because I know what a MAN my ex was in
the bedroom and know im married to little tom thumb and his insane mother.Please send prayers for me as im in a state of anxiety about breaking this all to my mom and ehh my husband I dont want this marriage to last a year.If you were me would you call your mom up right away and tell her and listen to her advice about it??

as far as my mom knows im happy but I wanna call her and tell her the truth about my husband,how I feel and about his insane obnoxious mother???

Re: Got married 8 months ago I REGRET IT

any advice would be helpful guys thanks for reading

Re: Got married 8 months ago I REGRET IT

im an emotional mess right now Im trying to keep it together