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Re: Confused

Hi Sherry-perhaps go see a marriage guidance counsellor together? Get him to fess up who he contacts and why at 1.30am. Is it another woman? Is it a helpline? He needs to be open and honest with you if he’s genuinely interested in your marriage succeeding-like he says he wants then he should be willing to share this information.

If not-ditch him! Once a cheater, always a cheater…

Re: Confused

Oh, Sweetie! There is definitely nothing wrong with your suspicions. I think you already have arrived at a point of at least wondering what life may look like apart from your current circumstance. Be gentle with yourself and give yourself permission to be honest about your feelings. You don't even have to act on them, just take a deep breath and take an honest look ... as if you are stepping aside for a moment as an onlooker, an outsider from your present circumstance. I was married for 25 years when I was finally brave enough to do this. You have options. Stay. Separate for a while.. Only you can decide what you want for your happiness.