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Re: A Question to Everyone in this Forum

Not being on the receiving end of the following anymore
Incessant lying
psychological abuse
physical abuse
emotional abuse

Looking forward
To rebuilding self esteem
Being treated as I should be……..with respect

Re: A Question to Everyone in this Forum

I can’t wait to be brave enough to be in your shoes someday, Diane!

Re: A Question to Everyone in this Forum

You will do Laura, his latest affair spurned me on , I had to follow through with my threat of divorce , because if I had not, then that would give him carte blanch to carry on as he was , he never in a million years thought I would do it , as I had always threatened, but never followed through.
Once you start your confidence will gather pace and grow, I did have the occasional wobble I won’t deny it , but journaling helped immensely, if I started to feel sorry for him or give him the benefit of the doubt , I would read my journals and realise I had rose tinted glasses on , the guy at the end of the day was and is a arsehole.
I am still trying to find somewhere to buy and it won’t be easy, but baby steps along the way , I will get there , I will never have to put up with being treated like a second class citizen in my own home anymore. I am after all worth more than that.
Plus it’s important that my sons now 20 realise that’s not how you treat someone, their childhood because of the arguments and the stress of worrying if their dad was up to his old tricks again is not an atmosphere they should be bought up in.
It’s the first step that’s the hardest Laura , but once you have taken it , it only gets better from there .
Much love ❤️ Diane x

Re: A Question to Everyone in this Forum

I am thankful for the peace and quiet of my own home. I am thankful to not live with his verbal and emotional abuse. I am thankful to not be responsible for him anymore.

I am thankful to finally be truly happy and at peace.

Re: A Question to Everyone in this Forum

-A fresh start
-Being with someone new who has been through similar issues that I underwent and is not planning to repeat them on me
-No more headgames and wondering if I'm just going nuts with what I was observing

Re: A Question to Everyone in this Forum

I am thankful for not staying with someone who says he love me but doesn’t follow up with his words.

I am thankful to have the chance to build myself back up. I won’t lose myself if I ever get involved with someone else.