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Re: Just filed

Keep telling yourself that he is not going to change and that you cannot change him. Keep telling yourself that you are worth more and deserve more and that no one should have to endure abuse, who does he think he is, he has abused your vulnerabilities when you trusted him with them. Tell yourself you are destined for greater things rather than waste your time on someone who only thinks about themselves. Don't try and manage this yourself, tell the relevant people authorities about any threats he may make.

He is not crying because he is upset, he is crying because he wants to control. I know you care about his feelings but does he really care about yours? Stay strong with your decision because its the right one you are making.

Re: Just filed

My husband worships me to the point of its disturbing and it turns me off so much.Ive been married going on 9 months now and im secretly sick of the marriage already.

Im strolling along but I dont know how much longer I can withstand being a beta males wife.I had it so much better when I was single

and now it feels like ive made a huge mistake just to please my family,friends and co workers just to say im married dumb I know....

Re: Just filed

Hi Jenn, First of all A VERY BIG ‘WELL DONE YOU!’

He sounds really controlling/abusive. Crying crocodile tears. Coercing you into taking him back time and time again. Did you know: It takes a lot of women in domestic violence situations, around 7 times of leaving and returning, before they actually recognise the pattern their abusive partner is using/or they finally have enough resources to leave and stay away? So you’ve done really well :)

You were only young when you started dating him. Perhaps too young to have had a chance to meet a range of different men and personality types? It’s easy to ‘settle’ with what we know and who and what is ‘familiar.’ It’s like putting in a pair of comfy slippers. But the problem is that ‘familiar’ doesn’t necessarily mean ‘good for me.’

Did you go to the doctor with your black eye? Did friends/colleges see it? If so, I’d seriously be considering going to the cops and asking them to support you to take a domestic violence order out on your ex-with Conditions that’s he’s not permitted to come within xxx meters of you. That should help get him turfed out of the family home.

Get a good lawyer. Get divorced. Get a fair settlement, and put this absolute idiot of a violent man into the history chapter of your life’s ‘book.’ You still have many, exciting chapters to be written yet. Who knows what the future holds?! Holding onto him only holds you back from exploring your future potential, so I’m so happy for you that you’re taking steps to move on to a better, happier, safer life :)