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Is it too late?

Hello Everyone in this forum
I am 64 yrs old and have been marriage for 34 years is to late to get a divorce from an controlling husband ??
I am tired of him and I do not want to be with him anymore
He was my only first Love
Thanks 😊

Re: Is it too late?

It’s never too late to give yourself a chance at happiness! Lots of ladies on this forum have divorced after long marriages. When it feels like a miserable slog of a life-sentence, it’s time to try for something more hopeful, happier and peaceful.

It may not be easy after being together for so long, but there’s lots of support available. Think ahead about how you’ll manage financially, emotionally, socially etc. Prepare, pre-plan and seek legal advice. Maybe tell a trusted friend how you feel, someone who ‘has your back’ when the emotional roller coaster starts (as it does for many of us after separating).

Life IS like a box of chocolates as F Gump said! We don’t know what we’re going to get, but we should at least get some ‘sweet’ moments.