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Research into a study on the effects of divorce on children

Hi everyone,

My name is Molly and I am currently researching into the effects divorce can have on a child's mental heath for an extended project qualification (EPQ) that I am currently doing. I am still a student and was wondering if anyone who is going or has gone through a divorce could fill my survey out. It is all anonymous and not personal. The link to it: https://www.survio.com/survey/d/L9A4P0W8P1M6A1U9L

Many thanks

Molly xx

Re: Research into a study on the effects of divorce on children

Hi Molly
I have been divorce for about 2 years
I was marriage for 30 yrs
When I got divorce my Son was 29 yrs old and my daughter was 27 yrs old then it did not affect them at all because they never had any father and son/daughter relationship because my ex was controlling their life
It all depends how close of relationship any kids of any age have with their father