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So hard to continue life after divorce

Even though I was the one that filed for divorce after 1 1/2 year I still feel for him
The reason I divorced is he had an emotional affair with someone I know talking to her about our marriage problems I did forgive him but I cannot seems to forget what he did
During an argument we had last year he threatens me and after he told me that he said he did not meant it and I should know better that was not what he meant ever …
I am living in peace without me worrying about these childless arguments that we have on and off which is so hard to talk about it with him because he does not want to hear what I think about this disagreement that we usually have…. He always think that I should go by his rules

But at times I would think if he could listened of what I was thinking or what I felt maybe our marriage would more peaceful but he always needed to have the final word and he always thought he was always right even though he knew he was wrong the way he was thinking …
How can I live without thinking about him even though I have a lot of people that supported my decision to leave him?

Re: So hard to continue life after divorce

Hi Monique,

Its okay to think about him and wonder "what if". I think that is normal.

I had alot of those thoughts also. "If only" he had made different choices, if only he had respected me and my feelings, if only he had gone for counseling when it was recommended by our therapist, if only he hadn't been only concerned about himself....then I could have had a happy marriage.

But now I don't think about the past very much, just thinking about today and looking forward to the future.

Good luck!