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My husband isn’t interested in me

Hey guys.

I got married 6 years ago. A week after our honeymoon my husband texts me and tells me that he has a porn problem. I was really upset because I didn’t know the extent of the problem and why he hid it from me for two years. After talking to him about it, I decided to work with him but I think he was expecting me to divorce him, which is weird. Once he saw I was staying he became very distant. We barely talked, he started working late, he didn’t have sex with me. I scheduled us for counseling but he walked out after session 3.

Fast forward five years. My husband still watches porn and prefers to pleasure himself. He stopped sleeping in the same bed as me and he stopped having sex with me. I would literally have to throw myself at him to have sex. He verbally abused me throughout the years. He would make jabs at my natural hair. He would often compare me to white women, putting them of a pedestal. He gets upset because I make more money than him. Granted I didn’t always, I went back to school because I was so unhappy and now I have a better quality of life but he’s expressed that he didn’t want me to surpass him because that’s the man’s role but he wouldn’t get off his butt and do anything.

Re: My husband isn’t interested in me

Why do you stay with him?

Re: My husband isn’t interested in me

Unhkk I’mmm