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Re: Unhappy in my marriage but too scared to leave

This happened to me. I’m currently considering divorce because my husband watches porn and can’t seem to be sexually connected to me. He also hates himself so when he sees I’m confident he gets jealous. I wish I had answers for you but I’m trying to find some as well

Re: Unhappy in my marriage but too scared to leave

I’ve been married for 30 terrible years and I promise he will never change. You want a happy life then get out now!

Re: Unhappy in my marriage but too scared to leave

As I read these stories I’m angry with my own situation. I have live with this man for 30 years and there’s not one thing that stands out as a happy moment. He is controlling and a master of it. He knows exactly how to manipulate and brags about how good he is. I want to leave but also afraid of “the new life”! As mean as he is, he has always taken care of me. I has surgery last week and he was the perfect nurse! So confused...

Re: Unhappy in my marriage but too scared to leave

I’ve been married for 7 year he’s cheated he hides his phone I know I’m miserable but I just can’t leave I’ve tried but I always cry and ask him to stay I feel dead inside.