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Potential divorce

Question… terrible relationship with husband for 20 years. I’m now dealing with “I don’t ******* care, shut up!” He’s now trying to invest in rental property with his best friend/business partner… not me! He knows I’m not interested nor would I like to invest anything with his business partner ad I don’t card for him. He acts and treats me as nothing. Has no interest in a buy sell agreement as he does not want my name involved in any part of him. I’m so hurt and not sure what direction to turn as I feel as he don’t care about how I feel. I have told him I want a divorce if your planning on purchasing property without me. I just want to surprise him with divorce papers as I have told him multiple times I want one snd have never acted on it. Now…. I’m extremely upset snd I feel the writing is on the wall of him having no interest in me for the future. What to do???? He’s successful and is wanting to build with cash a polished with rental units for boats on 13 acres. I’m not sure what direction to turn. He a d his business partner are extremely sneaky to keep me out of all parts of business. For example, putting all equipment in his partners name. What to do?? I feel defeated and feel like moving on to someone who will care to build a future with me and my two kids. I feel lonely but also scared to move on. Tears while writing as I’m sooooo upset after twenty years I’m being treated like “don’t care” my friends and daughter tell me to move on as they can see the “don’t care.” Please help…