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Child upbringing cost enquiry

Child arrangement is set by the Court order as below;
Dad has Wednesday nights and every other weekend.
Pick-up time is set at 5:30 pm as I wasn't working at that time.
I get £47 a week from CMS out of dad's 44k salary and pay all costs of my child.

Now, I am working so asked him to pick my child up from school on Wednesdays and every other Friday but he doesn't want to pay wraparound care costs nor any cost as he claims he is paying what the law says.

I have worked out the pure child upbringing cost without any living cost until my child turns 18 and I am paying over 90-91% of childcare and he pays less than 10% (CMS money).

I am really struggling with my salary and studying at the same time without any support.

My question is are other women in the same situation as me? or just me?
Can I go back to change the pick-up time? I think it's very unfair he doesn't have to pay wraparound care costs because purely he picks my child at 5:30 pm?