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Re: No contact after 30 years and 3 kids

Hi, he’s moved on emotionally and you need to do the same. As nice a gesture as it might have seemed, it might have caused an argument with his new partner, potentially. Forget him. You left him. He may still secretly be hurting. Put the past in the past, keep walking forwards and don’t look backwards (as this often trips us up emotionally…)

Re: No contact after 30 years and 3 kids

Thank you both for your opinion. You’re actually the only people out of everyone I’ve spoken to That were not apalled at the fact that a new relationship would prohibit Him from communicating specifically simple things as was the case for me. But I thank you for sharing your thoughts I will give it some consideration and to be clear ‘you left him’ is a little over the top. I am the one who was experiencing some challenges and we both agreed at that time that we probably should not be together for a while. The intention was to spend a couple of months/ weeks whatever apart and then figure out what it is we wanted to do. We never got back together so that was that. My only concern really was not being able to do simple communications, and perhaps I’m not moved on as emotionally as I believe I am. I’ve been in a relationship for the last very many years and quite honestly have not thought about him romantically at all— but he was my best friend for 30 years and is the father of my children.

Re: No contact after 30 years and 3 kids

I 100% percent agree with Holly
Take care of yourself and your Kids
Wish you the best of luck 🙏