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Husband left says he wants a divorce but nothing since

Any advice or words of encouragement would be helpful. He left the house then later that day messaged me he wanted a divorce. He hasn’t shared any additional details since. I’m very worried about the future.

Our 3 year old daughter seems to be having a hard time as well. She wakes up crying and asking for her daddy.

Re: Husband left says he wants a divorce but nothing since


Sorry that you are going through this! I have a couple of thoughts, depending on what you think he might do.

1. If you think he might empty your bank accounts - open a new account under your name only and transfer half of your assets.

2. If there are any guns in the house, remove them. Take to a friends house or lock them up and make sure you have the key. (Just a precaution! My attorney had me lock up guns when I filed for divorce; didn't believe he would do anything, but you have to make sure.)

3. Get an attorney and make sure you understand your rights and get recommendations for actions that you can/should take.

4. Call him and try to have a conversation about what is going on and what he wants.

5. Find a counselor, see if he will go with you, if not go by yourself.

Good luck!